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The Political Economy of the Asia Pacific: Asia's New Institutional Architecture : Evolving Structures for Managing Trade, Financial, and Security Relations (2007, Hardcover) by download book FB2, MOBI, EPUB


Can regional and interregional mechanisms better institutionalize the - creasing complexity of economic and security ties among states in Nor- east, Southeast, and South Asia? As the international state system und- goes dramatic changes in both security and trade relations in the wake of the Cold War's end, the Asian financial crisis, and the attacks of Sept- ber 11, 2001, this question is now of critical importance to both academics and policymakers. Still, little research has been done to integrate the ana- sis of both regional security and economic dynamics within a broader c- text that will give us theoretically informed policy insights. Indeed, when we began our background research on the origin and e- lution of Asia's institutional architecture in trade and security, we found that many scholars had focused on individual subregions, whether Nor- east, Southeast or South Asia. In some cases, scholars examined links - tween Northeast and Southeast Asia, and the literature often refers to these two subregions collectively as "Asia," artificially bracketing South Asia. Of course, we are aware that as products of culture, economics, history, and politics, the boundaries of geographic regions change over time. Yet the rapid rise of India and its increasing links to East Asia (especially those formed in the early 1990s) suggest that it would be fruitful to examine both developments within each subregion as well as links across subregions., How effective are regional and interregional institutions in managing Asia s increasingly complex economic and security ties? This question is currently the subject of intense debate among both academics and policymakers. Based on an innovative approach to analyzing institutional design, this path-breaking book provides a rich theoretical and empirical analysis of trends in Northeast, Southeast, and South Asia. In particular, it shows how three major shocks the end of the Cold War, the 1997 Asian financial crisis, and the 9/11 attacks have challenged Asia s long-standing trade and security order and generated a new set of institutional structures for coping with regional dynamics. Whereas the original postwar trade and security order revolved around bilateral alliance structures, global economic and security institutions, and long-standing corporate and ethnic networks, the new institutional environment in Asia is manifested by the proliferation of preferential trading arrangements and security dialogues, both official and unofficial, formal and informal, bilateral and minilateral. Asia s New Institutional Architecture brings together a multinational group of specialists on Asian trade and security to provide a theoretically grounded analysis of historical and current developments in the region. The book will be must reading for those interested in examining future trends for Asia and its relations with the world., This book investigates the origins and evolution of Asia's new institutional architecture in trade, finance, and security from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. The traditional institutional equilibrium in Asia has come under heavy strain in the "post triple shocks period" - the post-Cold War, the post-financial crisis of 1997-98, and the post-9-11 attacks. The new dynamics of rivalry and cooperation among states at both the intraregional and transregional levels is now shaping a new institutional architecture. Political and business leaders from Northeast and Southeast Asia interact with each other more frequently. South Asia's participation in the rest of Asia in recent years is truly impressive. As we show, the future institutional trajectory of Asia is still open, but we believe that the book provides a timely examination of key shifts in the region. In doing so, our hope is to provide policymakers and analysts with an institutional road map for the future.

Download book The Political Economy of the Asia Pacific: Asia's New Institutional Architecture : Evolving Structures for Managing Trade, Financial, and Security Relations (2007, Hardcover) MOBI, FB2, PDF

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