From Radio to the Big Screen : Hollywood Films Featuring Broadcast Personalities and Programs by Hal Erickson book DJV, PDF, EPUB


There was a time when ""American popular entertainment"" referred only to radio and motion pictures. With the coming of talking pictures, Hollywood cashed in on the success of big-time network radio by bringing several of the public's favorite broadcast personalities and programs to the screen. The results, though occasionally successful, often proved conclusively that some things are better heard than seen. Concentrating primarily on radio's Golden Age (1926-1962), this lively history discusses the cinematic efforts of airwave stars Rudy Vallee, Amos 'n' Andy, Fred Allen, Joe Penner, Fibber McGee & Molly, Edgar Bergen, Lum & Abner, and many more. Also analyzed are the movie versions of such radio series as The Shadow, Dr. Christian and The Life of Riley. In addition, two recent films starring contemporary radio headliners Howard Stern and Garrison Keillor are given their due., With the coming of talking pictures, Hollywood cashed in on the success of big-time network radio by bringing several of the public's favorite broadcast personalities and programs to the screen. This lively history discusses the cinematic efforts of airwave stars, as well as movie versions of The Shadow, Dr. Christian, The Life of Riley, etc--

From Radio to the Big Screen : Hollywood Films Featuring Broadcast Personalities and Programs by Hal Erickson read online book TXT, MOBI

Nr. 1, 1. Alt. StGB in der Rechtsprechung und dem Schrifttum bestimmt?Charles and Alda Passel have been married for fifty-five years.Included in this volume is In the Native State, which became the stage play Indian Ink (included in Tom Stoppard Plays 5).All selections are from original live radio broadcasts.When Jewel s first album, Pieces of You , topped the charts in 1995, her emotional voice and vulnerable performance were groundbreaking.Schenkt mir Gott noch ein paar Iahre, dann muss ich Dich wiedersehen, liebste, liebe Freundin, so verlangts die Stimme, die immer Recht behalt in mir.Costello went into the family business and before he was twenty-four took the popular music world by storm.When an FBI agent shows up at Pete's doorstep, accusing Pete's father of being a Communist, Pete is caught in a real-life mystery.